Coptic Seasons
Our Mother, the Coptic Orthodox Church, in Her richness, has multiple liturgical seasons throughout the year that serve to bring to mind and practice various aspects of spiritual life.
For example, during the season of The Holy Great Fast, the church teaches the congregants to repent and to grow in ascetic practices, including fasting and chanting the hymns with a somber, repentant tune. During the period of the Holy 50 Days after the Resurrection, the Church teaches us to increase in praise and to rejoice in receiving salvation; the believers are reminded of what is to come in the heavenly life through participation in joyful hymns of praise.
A Coptic season can be designated into one of five categories, referencing the tune used when chanting the hymns of that season:
1.Standard (ie. nonseasonal days)
2. Fasting (ex. The Holy Great Fast)
3. Mournful (ex. Holy Pascha Week)
4. Hosanna (ie. Palm Sunday & The Feasts of the Cross)
5. Festive (ex. Feast of Resurrection)
The feasts of the church can further be categorized into two main categories, with each category containing seven feasts:
Major Feasts, named as such due to their pertaining to The Story of Salvation:
1. The Annunciation
2. Nativity
3. Epiphany
4. Palm Sunday
5. The Resurrection
6. The Ascension
7. Pentecost
Also, the Church celebrates the Annunciation, Nativity, and Resurrection every Coptic month, except for the months outside of the period between His Annunciation, Resurrection, and Nativity (I.e. excluding Tobe & Meshir). This practice is because the Annunciation falls on the 29th of Paremhotep, the Nativity falls on the 29th of Koiahk, and the Resurrection was actually on the 29th of Paremhotep in the year of His passion. Fasts are never broken when this day falls on a fasting day (i.e. Wednesday, Friday, Holy Great Fast, or Apostles’ Fast). This day would still be celebrated with the Joyful Tune, but no prostrations or abstaining from food would exist.
Minor Feasts, named as such since they do not pertain to The Story of Salvation:
1. The Feast of Circumcision
2. The Entry of the Lord Christ into the Temple
3. The Entry of the Lord Christ into Egypt
4. The Wedding at Cana of Galilee
5. Covenant Thursday
6. Thomas Sunday
7. The Feast of the Transfiguration
This work aims to explain the liturgical seasons throughout the year so that all people can benefit by being aware of, and actively participating in, the spiritual theme, the rites, and chanting the hymns of each season. Click on a season below to benefit from, and live, the Coptic seasons with the Body of Christ, the Church.
We pray that this service bears fruit to the glory of His holy Name. Amen.